Send A File
These are the steps to follow after clicking the File Transfer button below. Please note, on your very first visit to WeTransfer, you may also be prompted to accept cookies.
Add your files
Click the blue circle button with the plus (+) sign to add your files.
Enter your email address
Enter your email address in the field provided. Ours should be prepopulated.
Click the transfer button
That’s all there is to it! If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
TIP: Type something in the message field that will help us identify your project.
Preflight Checklist
Use the following list to verify your files are ready for print.
Page Size: The page size of your document must be set to equal the final trim size for single sheet documents. For multi-page documents, such as booklets, the page size should equal the final folded size. The exception is Photoshop files that require bleed (see Bleed).
Bleed: The standard bleed measurement is 0.125” (1/8”). Please set bleed values in all programs that accept them. Extend bleeding elements (photos, tints, rules, solids, etc.) 1/8” beyond the trim area for proper volume trimming. For Photoshop files, add 1/4” to each dimension to allow 1/8” bleed on all four sides. Please flatten all Photoshop files.
Colour Palette: Use CMYK mode and CMYK colour palettes for process colour jobs. Do not use RGB preview modes or palettes. Our RIP converts RBG files to CMYK with unpredictable results.
Spot Colours: If your order is intended to print in spot colours (Pantone Matching System), please leave the spot colours active. For offset process colour or digital printing, please convert all Pantone spot colours or RGB colours to CMYK. If your file will print digitally, please note that digital presses cannot process PMS colours.
Image Resolution: Photo images should be at least 300 ppi at 100% of the final size on your printed piece.
Fonts: To avoid font substitutions either supply a font package, convert all fonts to outlines, or rasterize any type layers. If you create PDF files, make sure fonts are included.
Folding: Please use our layout templates to build your file or to verify folds on existing files. Mechanized folding requires some variation in panel sizes on folded items. Example: trifold brochure panels are not equal. Some folding templates are paper weight specific, so be sure to pick a template that matches the paper used on your order.
Single Sheet Documents: The page size for single sheet documents must equal the trim size. Please submit separate files for each side if your software does not support multiple pages.
Multi-Page Documents: The page size for multi-page documents, such as stitched booklets, should be set to equal the folded size. Files may be submitted with “facing pages” as long as the page size is set to equal the single page or folded size. Do not submit files in “printer spreads” as they require extra charges for processing.
Page Count: The total number of pages in all stitched documents—such as magazines, catalogs or booklets—must be divisible by four (4). Loose-leaf documents—such as coil bound booklets or corner-stapled pamphlets—are divisible by two (2). Pages should be submitted in order including covers and blank pages so the total page count is complete from cover to cover.